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Klal Yisrael wants to support you. Please let us.
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Complete your donation or hire, and start supporting Torah and its leaders directly.
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Sign up here. We'll reach out to you as soon as we go live!
By signing up, you enable others to directly support you—whether it’s an old talmid, chavrusa, or someone in the community who wants to help you continue your vital work for Klal Yisrael. This platform allows you to receive funds in a dignified way, giving you the resources you need to focus fully on your learning or teaching. Additionally, you’ll have the opportunity to get hired (bein hasedarim!) to teach or learn Torah, with the potential to earn $100/hour if you choose to participate.
We’ve received informal guidance and are actively seeking formal haskamos from widely recognized Gedolei Yisrael. This initiative will not officially launch to the public until we have their full support, and we will share the list of names as soon as it is finalized.
Anyone currently and actively dedicating themselves full-time to Klal Yisrael—whether through learning Torah or teaching it—we are considering to be “Shevet Levi.” However, the exact guidelines will be determined by our Rabbinic advisors, whose list of haskamos will be published once finalized. We also have a strict vetting process to ensure all recipients meet these criteria.
Your dedication to ruchniyus is truly admirable and greatly valued. However, this platform is specifically designed for individuals who are fully dedicating themselves to learning or teaching Torah on a full-time basis.
All donations and hiring arrangements are handled discreetly, with no public disclosure of recipient details. Donations can be made anonymously as well. If a recipient is requested by name but not yet registered, we contact them privately and only proceed if they agree to accept the donation or hire.